13. Monitors and Metrics

New in version 16.05.

Changed in version 17.02.


13.1. Monitors and Metrics Overview

13.1.1. Metric Classes

Metric classes determine what type a Metric is, for example, Power, Temperature, Security etc.

Any classes that have been created are listed here. The slug value is automatically generated and can’t be edited, but the Name can be.

13.1.2. Metric Values

This section lists the values that have been collected for any Metricsexist. It is possible to search for and find any problem values in here and delete them. It’s also useful for checking to see what actual values are.

13.1.3. Metrics

The view allows Metrics to be created and updated. It shows the latest value collected which can be useful for troubleshooting. Metrics can be edited or deleted from here too.

13.1.4. Monitor Input Groups

These groups are generated by the monitoring naming standards to group items based on the same source device. If required, they can be altered, but it recommended to leave these.

13.1.5. Monitor Input Values

This section lists all collected values from the monitoring system (often millions of them). It can be searched and filtered and it’s possible to remove erronous values from here.1

13.1.6. Monitoring Source Types

The list of available monitoring API’s loaded into the system.

13.1.7. Monitoring Sources

Here it’s possible to add additional, edit existing or remove any monitor sources in the system.

13.1.8. Monitors

This sections provides the ability to create, update and remove monitors based on an existing monitoring source.

13.1.9. Threshold Breaches

Allows creation, editing or removing of threshold settings for a specific metric.

13.2. Configure a Monitor and Metric

This section describes how to set up Monitoring using an existing (in this case t-mac) API.

Ensure that the required Monitoring Source Type is available

Ensure that the correct Monitoring Source is available. If not, add a new one, the details required will be similar to as follows:

13.2.1. Add a Monitor

Add the Monitor for the area or space required, the following details (or similar) will be required. Upon saving, the Monitor inputs will be calculated as Trackit connects to the Monitor. This may take a few moments. Once complete, the Number of inputs will no longer display 0.

13.2.2. Add a Metric

Now Metrics can be created for the monitor.

A Name should be something unique that follows a standard

  1. An Asset should be something within the correct space, either a monitoring rack (to link the metric to a space) or an individual asset such as a rack or device if appropriate.
  2. The Monitor should be the correct Monitor create earlier
  3. The Group is automatically generated, however can be overwritted. If in doubt, leave blank.
  4. The Code is a short unique name that should follow a standard
  5. The Metric Function can be one of the following:
  • Mean Average - Will provide a single average value based on all input values added.
  • Count of Values - Will generate a count of all input values added.
  • Divide Values - Will generate a value based on dividing one input value by another i.e. Input Value 1 / Input Value 2.
  • Maximum Value - Will show the maximum value based on all the input values provided.
  • Minimum Value - Will show the minimum value based on all the input values provided.
  • Pass through Input Value - Will simply pass through an input value as a metric value. Useful if the monitoring system already provided a metric such as PUE or Rack Temperature.
  • Basic Formula - The most useful function, allows the user to generate a metric based on a formula of input values and then lists those inputs below.
  • Sum of Values - Simply adds all provided input values together.
  1. Classes refer to Metric Classes and can be added or new ones generated. A metric can belong to multiple classes
  2. Minimum required value and Maximum required value are values which can be provided to prevent erronous or anomoly values from being collected and producing incorrect charts. These should not be confused with Threshold values.
  3. Description is the description of the Metric created.
  4. Unit of Measure is automatically generated, however it’s possible to override this if required.
  5. Metric Inputs can be added, autocomplete attempts to search for the correct input. If using the Basic Formula option, the inputs are added automatically.
  6. Metric Thresholds can be setup to trigger an alert when the Metric value is within a certain range. See the Threshold section for more details.

When complete, save the Metric and the value will be calculated.